“Destroying the Homeland”Oh, Say Can You See

"Destroying the Homeland" Oh, Say Can You See

can we save our nation? "May god bless America"

America is fighting three wars on two fronts. A Political, Religious, and Ideological War on Domestic and Global Fronts.

Currently, America is engaged domestically and globally in a political, Ideological, and religious war. The outcome will determine if America can remain the “Land of the Free” and “One Nation under God” while staying true to our inherent Judeo-Christian values and time-honored traditions.

This book offers a neoconservative[i], unapologetic viewpoint for the questions posed based on the facts available and current evolving trends. The writings incorporate perspectives and interpretations of fact-based information influenced by my multicultural heritage, variegated socialization experiences, religious exposure (Christian and Hindu), academic background, and professional expertise. A number of the concerns that have been delineated are often avoided for fear of social exclusion and liberal demonization. However, I am convinced that these matters merit investigation and significantly affect the future well-being of our familial unit and our country, “One Nation Under God!”

The questions arise: has the United States of America created this state of global alliances and insecurity through its foreign policies and interference over the past century?

Have our American domestic policies, identity politics, and toxic politicking created our rapid social decay, racial hatred, cultural divisions and isolation, and transformation of our social construct to the point where a civil war might be on the horizon to save our Nation?

Is the United States able to maintain its hegemony and competitive advantage globally and combat the destabilizing forces of Communism, Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Liberal International Order, Islamism, and Terrorist States successfully?

It is essential to consider and analyze different perspectives in order to fully grasp the complexities of the issues at hand. This is a crucial element in being a democratic society. Failing to embrace diverse perspectives and suppressing contrary opinions, we will be condemned to a state of ignorance that is widespread in contemporary American society. The current political landscape in America is marked by deliberate efforts from the Democratic Socialist Liberal faction to suppress speech and viewpoints that deviate from the established norms. These actions bear resemblance to the principles of socialism and communism.

In the words of an annoyingly famous sitcom star, “Steven Urkel,” of the ’90s show Family Matters, I pose this question on behalf of America in that irksome nasal voice: “Did I do that?” It could be argued that America’s political doctrine, ideology, prejudices of the ruling class, and foreign policy from the 1900s to the present are responsible for the precarious state our world is in.      Are American values, Judeo-Christian beliefs, patriotism, religious and cultural tolerance, citizen safety, and global leadership a thing of the past, or are they worth advocating for future generations? Think these realities through carefully, as it really doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you’re on; this radicalization of America is not what true Democrats or Republicans yearn for.


Our democracy in America is a representative democracy, contingent on an equal two-party system where party representatives vie for public support based on policy and other criteria, and then a winner is decided by a fair and open process of election where the one citizen/one vote principle is applied. The preamble also lists six (6) principles that guide us. Consider the fact that the political left (liberals and Democratic Socialists) have strategically invested in the last sixty years by manipulating its most vulnerable citizens to preserve a controlled voting bloc for power retention (rigging power by ignoring the overall benefit to the nation and pandering to the needs of a few in exchange for votes). First, the African Americans, and now the Illegal Hispanic immigrants, and the alternative lifestyle communities are the focus of the democratic and liberal socialist movements[i].

These social investments encompass various actions, such as eradicating the belief in meritocracy in our educational institutions, fostering a reliance on social entitlements that give rise to generations dependent on welfare, evading accountability for one’s actions and personal responsibility by fabricating scapegoats, and attributing social conditions solely to “racism.” By fostering a defeatist ideology within the African American segment of our society, we diminish their productivity and subject them to a state of dependency and victimhood, thereby facilitating their manipulation and control. This ideology, which has targeted the African-American culture since the early days of the democratic party, is ruthless and destructive. The deliberate dismantling of a culturally significant heritage for the purpose of exerting control and garnering political support is a deplorable act. It is disheartening that African-American leaders have not vociferously denounced this injustice.

[i] Uetricht, Micah, and Meagan Day. Bigger than Bernie: How we go from the Sanders campaign to democratic socialism. Verso Books, 2020.